Another year older and deeper in debt

June 10, 2010 at 9:42 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 6 Comments

Every once in a while I have a day that makes me want to quit, and leave everybody holding the bag for all my scheduled call days through the end of the month.  Today was a day like that for me.  We have this one attending who is constantly criticizing every single thing I do, as if I’m completely incompetent.  Even if it’s someone else’s mistake, I still get taken to task for it like it was my own.  Whereas if the person in question had presented it, it might not even have been noted.

I’ve put up with it for a solid year now, and as I stare down the barrel of joblessness in two weeks, I fail to see what I’ve gained by doing so, or what I stand to lose from walking away right now.

I really should have quit six months ago.

I’ve already decided I’m not going into neurosurgery, and it’s largely because I can’t stand the thought of dealing with this particular attending for 6 more years, and suspect that most places have people with similar personalities (as opposed to the mostly top tier places I rotated at as a student and intern).

Seriously, I don’t know what’s wrong with people in this field, but I am done with trying to please them.


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  1. I’ve already decided I’m not going into neurosurgery, and it’s largely because I can’t stand the thought of dealing with this particular attending for 6 more years, and suspect that most places have people with similar personalities (as opposed to the mostly top tier places I rotated at as a student and intern).

    If you are implying that you are no longer at a top tier place, then I suspect you are dealing with someone who is convinced that he or she deserves to be at a top tier place, sees you–because of your prior training at top tier places–as a proxy for this gross unfairness, and is putting you in your place. This theory is based on seeing analogous shit go down right in front of me.

  2. I wish I had some great words of encouragement or wisdom for you, but I don’t. I do wish you better days.

  3. Too bad you decided against neurosurgery. I think its a bad choice to decide not to do neurosurgery because of one person. My suggestion, develop a thicker skin and prove them wrong. Residency is temporary, there is life beyond residency, practicing as a neurosurgeon on your own, when you can completely ignore people like that.

  4. 99% of neurosurgeons are assholes. Alpha male, turbogunner, holier-than-thou, arrogant, turdfuckers.

    Good luck with your next few weeks as you readjust.

  5. Give yourself some distance from the person and the position. Then rethink the whole thing. Sometimes, you are just too close to the situation for it to make sense.

  6. I am sorry you have been thus abused-embarrassed that this type of behavior still exists in neurosurgical training programs-we have worked so hard to change the rules and behaviors but it is a process.
    I have to take exception to tideliar-I have worked within neurosurgery (as a woman) for 25 years and while it has been difficult, there are many caring, inspiring, hard working individuals: I guess we just have to work harder to get them public exposure.

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