Mostly dead all day

August 22, 2008 at 7:33 pm | Posted in pharmacy | 2 Comments

You remember a few posts back, where I described my personal version of hell? Yeah, that was the pharmacy today. I doubt we broke 100 prescriptions. The five of us sat there twiddling our thumbs for all but a few brief stretches of time. I kept asking to be sent home, but the regular pharmacist kept saying, “no, no, the techs are all leaving early, so someone has to stay.” And I’m thinking, I am totally the wrong person to keep around. Not only do I cost an arm and a leg (of which I get to keep the arm, and the leg goes to the staffing agency), but I’m no substitute for a good pharmacy tech.

But you can’t stop the clock, no matter how slowly the minutes pass, and eventually the day was over and I got to go home.


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  1. Check out my pharmacy experience today.

  2. That was probably just the tech or the cashier. The pharmacist is only rarely the one who conducts the actual sale.

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